Friday, September 23, 2011

Linni Eats Boston

Well, this is awkward.

It's been nearly two years since I made that pizza in my last post, and my stomach and I have come a long way since we last shared our adventures with you beautiful people.

You'll have to forgive my obvious attempt at flattery there, but there just isn't a graceful way to side-step a two year gap like that. I guess you'll have to forgive a few things, but I hope you can because I live in Boston now and we have so much to talk about.

...this is starting to sound a lot like a conversation I have with the pages of my journal once every few months.

I'm going to keep my new posts clean and separate from this clumsy (and hopefully endearing?) greeting. But I'm here again, so check back often! And just, ya know——don't call it a comeback.

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